
Combining participatory games and backcasting to support collective scenario evaluation: an action research approach for sustainable agroforestry landscape management.

Andreotti F, Speelman E N., Van Den Meersche K, Allinne C.

Sustainability Science, 15 (5), n.spéc. Agroforestry for Sustainable Landscape Management : 1383-1399. (IF=4.6)


The combined and interacting effects of land-use change, resource extraction and climate change threaten the sustainability of millions of mainly smallholder farms in tropical agroforested landscapes. In many of these landscapes, coordinated action among stakeholders at landscape level would help to address challenges such as pests and diseases, price crises and climate change. However, methods to facilitate the co-production of sustainable landscape management in such complex multi-stakeholder systems are currently largely lacking. In this paper, we present a novel approach to explore pathways for the sustainability transition of agroforestry systems. By combining participatory forecasting and backcasting approaches, based on serious games and future vision development, we explore relevant agroforestry management strategies for reaching sustainable future coffee-based agroforestry landscapes. We focused our research on the challenges faced in the main coffee-producing area in Nicaragua. 

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