Coffee agroforestry systems capable of reducing disease-induced yield and economic losses while providing multiple ecosystem services. Coffee agroforestry systems capable of reducing disease-induced yield and economic losses while providing multiple ecosystem services. Leer más »
Analysis of interactions amongst shade trees, coffee foliar diseases and coffee yield in multistrata agroforestry systems. Analysis of interactions amongst shade trees, coffee foliar diseases and coffee yield in multistrata agroforestry systems. Leer más »
Long term effects of shade and input levels on coffee yield in the Pacific region of Nicaragua Long term effects of shade and input levels on coffee yield in the Pacific region of Nicaragua Leer más »
Tropical agroforestry and ecosystem services: trade-off analysis for better design strategies. Tropical agroforestry and ecosystem services: trade-off analysis for better design strategies. Leer más »
Régulation des bioagresseurs des cultures dans les systèmes agroforestiers tropicaux, revue des approches Régulation des bioagresseurs des cultures dans les systèmes agroforestiers tropicaux, revue des approches Leer más »
Régulation des bioagresseurs du caféier par le couvert arboré au Costa Rica. Jami Leclerc Régulation des bioagresseurs du caféier par le couvert arboré au Costa Rica. Leer más »
Coffee rust epidemics in Central America: Chronicle of a resistance breakdown following the great epidemics of 2012 and 2013 Jami Leclerc Coffee rust epidemics in Central America: Chronicle of a resistance breakdown following the great epidemics of 2012 and 2013 Leer más »